Lupe Stops Show in Cincinnati

Earlier this week, Lupe Fiasco had a show at the University of Cincinnati. While on stage during his performance, a glow stick flies toward the stage and hits Lupe in the head . So he stops the show right , then he reminds the crowd how many black belts he has.

“Listen, hold up two seconds we’ll get back to the show, listen. I know you a jerk,..and that’s cool. I know that you came hear and ya thought that I’ma get some shine real quick and throw some shit at Lupe and hit him in the face. But! let me remind you of something, okay?
Hold on ya’ll, just hold on we gonna get back to the show, we gonna get to Kick Push. BU LET ME REMIND YOU see this waist? This waist right here” In his Katt William’s voice he continued “There used to be…4 black belts around this waist”.
So listen, Everybody that WANNA THROW SOME SHIT…kindly step over to the side of the stage….and I’ll give you five minutes of fame here. I’ll seek what ever you want from this show to make sure they don’t get your broken up ass outside of jail. Then quotes Jay Z saying "This ain't a movie, Don't get fucked up!"

I think he handled it so smooth but i know he wanted to flip out . Lol!

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